Research Area New Media

Research Area New Media

Police vs. Society

Installation, Virtual Room, Research, Police, 3D, Storytelling in 3D environments, Artistic Research

A critical reflection on policing and its impact on the life of the policed.

This is the process of an ongoing artistic research about police and law enforcement structures within western societies.

We need to rethink the role of police in society. The origins and functions of the police are intimately tied to the management of inequalities of race, gender and class. The suppression of workers, people identifying as LGBTQIA+ and the tight surveillance and micromanagement of migrated people and Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPoC) have always been at the center of policing. Any police reform strategy that does not address this reality is doomed to fail. It is important that we constantly reevaluate what the police are asked to do and what impact policing has on the lives of the policed.

  • Andric Spaeth
2022 – 2024

We need to rethink the role of police in society. The origins and functions of the police are intimately tied to the management of inequalities of race, gender and class. The suppression of workers, people identifying as LGBTQIA+ and the tight surveillance and micromanagement of migrated people and Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPoC) have always been at the center of policing. Any police reform strategy that does not address this reality is doomed to fail. It is important that we constantly reevaluate what the police are asked to do and what impact policing has on the lives of the policed.

Emergency Light (blue) mounted on the ceiling

Drawing from my personal experience working as a police officer in southern Germany from 2016 until 2019, my intention with this project is to shed light on the intricate dynamics, numerous inequalities and racial biases embedded within this system. I aim to provoke critical reflection on its structure and the impact it has on society. This project also serves as a platform for me to express my concerns, observations, and critiques of the police system. Motivated by my experiences, I now strive to create transparency around the realities of policing, unveiling its flaws, and offering insights into potential pathways for change.

Through "Police vs. Society" I endeavor to generate awareness and understanding regarding the realities of the current police system. I aim to highlight the ambiguity policing has and reveal the discrepancies between its intended purpose and its actual impact on marginalized communities. By exposing the inequalities and racial biases prevalent within the system, I hope to encourage a more open and honest conversation about the urgent need for reform.

More information on my website:

Screenshots of Virtual Room in NewArtCity

Follow this link to explore the virtual room:

Pictures taken by Jonas Leichsenring